Sale price Price $500.00 Regular price

ITEM NO : SB6-203

COLOR : Yellow

SIZE : 6

MATERIAL : Composite PU

      • BASKETPOP YELLOW 是專為女性設計,於室內/室外都可以使用的6號籃球。
      • 高品質的合成皮革配上寬闊的坑紋,為不同層面的使用者提供一流的抓地力和靈活性。BASKETPOP 專屬的淺黃色調,再加上TACHIKARABASKETPOP 的標誌。
      • BASKETPOP YELLOW 能夠成為喜歡籃球的女性的最佳伙伴。


      • BASKETPOPTACHIKARA’s basketball for women players, size 6, for indoor and outdoor use.
      • Synthetic leather with a wide channel (groove) that gives outstanding flexibility and grip for easy handling, aimed at women players of every level. BASKETPOP YELLOW has a yellow base color and the BASKETPOP logo embossed on one panel and the TACHIKARA logo on 2 panels.
      • This model BASKETPOP is a partner that makes women basketball players who love basketball enjoy the game even more.